Elm mini SPA (step 4)


This is the fifth step on creating a simple Elm web application using the Single-page Application architecture.

At this step we are upgrading all the internal illusion of navigation to a real navigation and for that we are adding calls to Browser.Navigation.pushUrl and Browser.Navigation.load, with that in place check that now the browser URL changes along the navigation and even external links like the one added to the top bar is also working.

Additionally we need what is called a "navigation key" and this is beause Elm application projects are intercepting all the URL request for us to create our own internal pages navigation but for synching this internal navigation with the browser we now need to do it explicitly using this "navitaion key" now stored in the model.

One piece is still missing, try to go to /page1.html and hit the browser reload button, you will got a 404 not found page, this is beacuse the request will be received by the web server and not our Elm internal navigation. We will see how to fix it at the next step.

The full steps are:

  • Step0: Create a simple page applications (code)
  • Step1: Upgrade to a full navigation application (code)
  • Step2: Add an extra page (code)
  • Step3: Support for global shared data (code)
  • Step4: Make the illusion real (code)
  • Step5: Making the web server happy (code)
  • Step6: Adding a magical router (code)

IMPORTANT: This is only one way to provide SPA support for Elm, you do not need to implement new projects following exactly this code, please use it only as a reference and at the step level you may require.


We will cover a sample step by step starting with a simple page with a counter until we have a multiple page Elm web application with multiple local and global counters.

For running this step code just execute the command:

cd elm-mini-spa-step4
elm-live -- src/Main.elm

And open your favorite browser pointing to http://localhost:8080


The source code is at https://github.com/csaltos/elm-mini-spa and the full tutorial at https://www.udemy.com/course/elm-the-complete-guide/.


This sample code is created with love by Carlos Saltos, please considere to buy me a coffee.