Elm mini SPA (step 0)


This is the first step on creating a simple Elm web application using the Single-page Application architecture.

At this step we are only creating a basic Elm document with a local counter.

The full steps are:

  • Step0: Create a simple page applications (code)
  • Step1: Upgrade to a full navigation application (code)
  • Step2: Add an extra page (code)
  • Step3: Support for global shared data (code)
  • Step4: Make the illusion real (code)
  • Step5: Making the web server happy (code)
  • Step6: Adding a magical router (code)

IMPORTANT: This is only one way to provide SPA support for Elm, you do not need to implement new projects following exactly this code, please use it only as a reference and at the step level you may require.


We will cover a sample step by step starting with a simple page with a counter until we have a multiple page Elm web application with multiple local and global counters.

For running this step code just execute the command:

cd elm-mini-spa-step0
elm-live -- src/Main.elm

And open your favorite browser pointing to http://localhost:8080


The source code is at https://github.com/csaltos/elm-mini-spa and the full tutorial at https://www.udemy.com/course/elm-the-complete-guide/.


This sample code is created with love by Carlos Saltos, please considere to buy me a coffee.